– 2018-06-12 – Once upon a time I was a successful Video on Demand technical specialist in the TV Broadcast industry, specialising in “never happens” scenarios (yes, they do!) and odd problems. In 2014 I had a stroke and became redundant in late 2016. Since then I’ve made a good recovery (remaining left side weakness, balance issues, but no mental impairment) but have found it problematic getting another job I think because I appear quite fragile and am 56. Fully IT literate. I have excellent office and administrative skills and would enjoy working again. London or Anywhere! Any Offers? CV on request.

Once upon a time I was a successful Video on Demand technical specialist in the TV Broadcast industry, specialising in “never happens” scenarios (yes, they do!) and odd problems. In 2014 I had a stroke and became redundant in late 2016. Since then I’ve made a good recovery (remaining left side weakness, balance issues, but no mental impairment) but have found it problematic getting another job I think because I appear quite fragile and am 56. Fully IT literate. I have excellent office and administrative skills and would enjoy working again. London or Anywhere! Any Offers? CV on request.